Monday, 9 January 2017

Even tinier houses :)

In spite of coming from a long line of amazing gardeners, I have not inherited a green thumb. I have a hard time keeping any plant alive for long. As much as I would love to have a garden around my new tiny house (wherever it may end up being), that fact and the fact that I won't own the land anyway have led me in a new direction.

I've decided to make a "Tiny House Community" fairy garden. Although it will incorporate a few plants (hopefully some good hardy succulents), the focus will be on the tiny houses and accessories. I have a small simple fairy garden in my living room right now. The most recent addition is the tiny house on wheels :)

My new one will be outside in some sort of container - window box, planter or pots - and will be a combination of natural and bought elements. In addition, the fairy door that was a gift from my mother and sister will be added to the exterior of my tiny home somehow.

I was in Michael's recently and was surprised to see that the idea of fairy gardens has gone mainstream - with a whole aisle of miniature houses and accessories. The birdbath in the picture above (behind the doghouse) has a robin that is about 1/8" long. I personally do not think there is an age limit for believing in fairies! And if they are in the neighbourhood, I certainly want them to feel welcome :)

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