Sunday 31 December 2017

Tiny House Christmas

My Christmas tree consisted of three sprigs of pine and some red and white berries in my mini flower holder. I got a couple of little glass doves for Christmas that are just the right size for decorating it. Small and simple ... but enough!

I didn't actually spend Christmas in Happinest. There was a forecast for snow on Christmas Eve so I decided to spend the night at Mum's as we were heading up to Jon's for Christmas Day and Boxing Day. I didn't want to take a chance on getting snowed in to my little place and missing out on the Christmas festivities.

However, as I had the week between Christmas and New Year's off (except for a few hours at my accounting job), I have been spending a lot of time there. Lots of relaxation time - curled up on the couch with a book in the afternoons and up in the loft watching movies in the evening!

Most of the week was gray and rainy and the driveway and fields are getting very muddy. Yesterday, I finally caved and brought myself a pair of rubber boots.

When I went to move a couple of boxes by the couch, I discovered moisture back there and have since found bits of mould starting on windowsills. Next purchase - as soon as the store opens after New Years - is a dehumidifier. This is definitely a problem (which I have since learned is common in small, well-insulated spaces) that needs to be nipped in the bud!

Tuesday 12 December 2017

The reason for advocacy

Today, I drove home from work. As I neared the driveway, I noticed a van in the driveway across the street. It was a municipality van and the driver seemed to be sitting there taking notes. I immediately thought that my little house had been discovered and that he was in the process of writing an eviction notice. I drove away so that he didn't see me enter the property. After talking to the landowner, it seems that the van was probably there on other business as it was also seen on a nearby road. This makes me hopeful that an eviction notice is not in the works but I will probably worry a little for the next couple of weeks.

Although it is not something that I dwell on, it is this constant awareness that an eviction could come any time that makes me want to put whatever time and effort is needed to make tiny houses legal. All I want to do is live in peace without bothering anyone - this should not be illegal!