Monday, 6 February 2017

Along with excitement comes the doubts!

Most of the time, I am excited to watch the build of my tiny house take place. The trailer has been ordered and the build will start next month. Lately, I am finding that doubts are sneaking in alongside that excitement! My house will be finished in a few months and it is still not legal to park it anywhere. I knew that when I made the commitment but lately, it is feeling like a crazier decision than it did at the time. I'm also concerned about the price of somewhere to park. When I first started looking into the reality of going tiny, I had several people who were willing to offer a spot for $300/month. Now that I am actively looking for a place, I am seeing listings for RV pads in the $600-800 range. I currently live in a comfortable apartment with great landlords and all expenses included for $900/month. My biggest motivation for going tiny was to retire with a low cost of housing so that I could still afford my car, my groceries and maybe some spending money for travel once I was relying solely on pension money. Now I'm starting to worry that I will have spent my life-savings on a house (as well as going back into debt for a couple of years to pay off the line of credit I'll need to pay the final payment for the build) and not be any farther ahead than I am right now. I hope that I am worrying unnecessarily - and I am trying to stay positive - but it is definitely a concern!